Have you ever wondered which one is the strongest metal out there? There are plenty but it would be great to know which one it is.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Chromium

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Chromium

The answer could vary, however. Depending on what you want to do there are some materials that are better than others for each purpose.

The hardest of the metals out there is chromium. It is used in stainless steel and it is honored in the group of the diamonds as the strongest metal you can find. It is great for playing as well. It is extremely good against corrosion and physical damage. As a curious fact, the resistance of minerals is determined depending on the Mohs scale of it.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Titanium

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Titanium

The strongest metal for safety and security systems is titanium. This one has to be the bet one for the banks and its reputation doesnt have to do with the bright only but also the resistance. It is stronger than steel and it can be used to make stronger alloys. There are plenty of purposes besides the security part of course and it is one of the materials that will be in a rich family treasure box.

Jose Manuel Mustafa - Tungsten

Jose Manuel Mustafa – Tungsten

Tungsten is the strongest natural metal. It has a total of 1510 megapascals and it is not only resistant but it also has a beautiful bright and color. It is often used in electric applications and it is one of those metals that you could have in the filaments of the bulbs in your house. As you see, this metal is also very interesting in terms of its shape since it can be similar to a small metal stick with some rocky sides that are very interesting to watch as well.

This is it as for these three great metals which are the strongest ones in the world. Remember to share the information you have learned with your friends about these strong metals and after that much metal taking you could say you went heavy metal!





-Jose Manuel Mustafa